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0604 lf gibbons | London Free Press



0604 lf gibbons | London Free Press

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London police say they’ve received no formal reports after a viral video showed several vehicles driving through Gibbons Park – a bizarre event one viewer described as “stupid.”

In the video, posted to YouTube and shared on Reddit, four different vehicles are recorded driving through the park, located northwest of downtown, during what is believed to be Saturday afternoon. The video had nearly 4,000 views as of Monday morning and garnered 100 comments.

A beautiful picnic in the park was ruined by people constantly driving in and out through the park,” wrote the person who published the video under the handle Serjunka. “The video shows only those I was able to film with my phone – I literally gave up later on.”

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The video concludes with a still image of a City of London sign listing “prohibited activities” at the park, which include “operating a motor vehicle except on a roadway or in an authorized parking area,” promising a maximum fine of $5,000.

Wrote one viewer: “The city should install bollards to prevent this. I can’t believe people are this stupid, but yet I’m not surprised.”

Added another: “How did they think that was OK? Genuinely curious.”

While London police were aware of the video, they told The London Free Press that no reports had been filed, but uniform officers were notified about the incident.

Const. Matt Dawson, a London police media officer, said police are limited in what they can do if nothing is reported, but similar incidents have drawn the attention of both bylaw and law enforcement.

“There’s obviously always a two-pronged approach with this being city-owned property,” he said. “It could be trespassing, it could be dangerous driving . . . there’s a number of things at play.”

In a statement to the Free Press, Wade Jeffrey, the city’s manager of community compliance, said the city was “disappointed” to see the vehicles driving through the park.

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