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London shops board up windows in anticipation of more unrest



London shops board up windows in anticipation of more unrest

STORY: :: As northeast London braces for possible anti-Muslim and anti-migrant riots, shops board up their windows

:: August 7, 2024

“It breaks my heart. It makes me feel sad. That’s how it makes me feel. I have a daughter. She’s mixed race. So obviously, you know, it’s difficult for her as well. I think it’s horrible and it’s sad if I’m being honest.”

“I don’t care about the fight. I don’t care about the people. Just don’t touch my shop.Nothing else.”

“I want my environment to be safe. I want my children to be safe, grandchildren to be safe, etc… So as long as it’s peaceful, there’s no issues, there’s no problems. Everyone’s got a right to do what they need to do.”

Far-right groups are planning to demonstrate outside the Waltham Forest Immigration Bureau, and a counter-protest is scheduled to take place at the same time.

The Waltham Forest Immigration Bureau’s shop front was boarded up ahead of the protests, but a Middle Eastern restaurant across the street had not followed suit.

The government has put together a so-called “standing army” of 6,000 specialist police officers to respond to any outbreaks of violence, and say they will have a big enough presence to deal with any unrest.

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