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A Comprehensive Guide To The New Safety Measures At Taylor Swift’s London Eras Tour Concerts



A Comprehensive Guide To The New Safety Measures At Taylor Swift’s London Eras Tour Concerts

Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour is making it’s global return on Thursday August 15 at London’s Wembley Stadium, following a suspected terror plot in Vienna, Austria. The singer is expected to proceed with five scheduled shows, that will finish in the UK on Tuesday August 20.

Swift’s first concert in the capital city will mark her comeback since cancelling three of her performances last week in the capital’s Ernst Happel Stadium due to safety concerns. For Swifties attending her remaining shows, rest assured that additional checks and security measures have been added to every show to ensure the safety of everyone attending.


New protocols may alter fans intended arrival and departure times, as well as any plans to congregate outside the stadium itself.

To better understand the new safety measures and to see how they may affect fans attendance at the shows, here’s what you need to know:

What Have The Police Said About The Safety At The Wembley Shows?

A Metropolitan Police spokesperson told Sky News how the police will be approaching the security ahead of the shows. ‘The Met works closely with venue security teams and other partners to ensure there are appropriate security and policing plans in place,’ they said.

‘There is nothing to indicate that the matters being investigated by the Austrian authorities will have an impact on upcoming events here in London. As always, we will continue to keep any new information under careful review.’

Sadiq Khan, the Mayor Of London also spoke on the matter, noting: ‘We’ve got a huge amount of experience in policing these events. We are never complacent. We’re going to carry on working closely with police, ensuring that the concerts can take place in London safely.’


Is It Safe To Attend The London Wembley Shows?

While it is an individual’s choice whether they decide to attend a show or not, additional measures have been put in place to ensure the collective safety of concert-goers. As per the official Wembley Stadium guidelines, the below measures have been put in place:

Additional ticket checks will be in operation at points in and around the stadium prior to entry. As well as this, the stadium will open earlier at 15.30 on August 15, 19 and 20, and at 15.45 on August 16 and 17.

Overnight camping will not be allowed, and neither will congregating outside any of the stadium’s entrances, or the Olympic Steps at the front of the stadium.

As usual, certain objects will not be allowed inside the grounds of the stadium, which is detailed in a full comprehensive list on Wembley’s Taylor Swift The Eras Tour FAQ Guide.

taylor swift the eras tour australia

Graham Denholm/TAS24//Getty Images

How Can I Keep Myself And Others Safe?

The UK’s Counter Terrorism Guide explains how to further ensure the personal safety of gig and festival goers. The below should be applied by all attending Taylor Swift’s shows.

  • Arriving early will help the flow of extra security measures, as well as being patient with the staff, security and stewards who are working hard to maintain this.
  • Suspicious behaviour should always be reported to the police, or staff on sight.
  • In the case of an emergency where there is an immediate risk, do not hesistate to call 999 and seek help from staff, especially those with radios who can raise the alarm quickly.
  • Bags must not be left unattended as this may raise a security scare. Do not agree to look after someone else’s bags, no matter the circumstance.
  • In the event of an incident, listen to all announcements and staff.
  • Lastly, although the chances of a terrorism event are small, attendees should ‘run, hide, tell.’

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