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Enfield: Plan for London’s largest nature haven



Enfield: Plan for London’s largest nature haven

As many as 1,000 hectares (2,471 acres) of farmland could become a nature haven in the largest scheme of its kind in London.

The Enfield Chase Landscape Restoration Project is expanding on woodland restoration at Enfield Chase in north London.

That has seen 140,000 trees planted in the past four years.

In June a public consultation was launched so residents could have their say.

Friends of Enfield Chase chairman, John Cole, said: “The sky’s the limit. There’s an opportunity for the likes of ramblers, runners and cyclists to know more about it and put it on the map.

“The whole idea of the survey is, it’s the beginning, we want to capture thoughts and primarily make a more pleasant place and increase access.

“The survey is a start.”

Mr Cole believes the area is currently underused and “possibly” undervalued.

Sculpture parks, allotments, tree nurseries and community gardens were ideas that could be considered if interest was shown, he said.

He encouraged other groups to get in touch if they thought they would like to use the space.

On its website, Enfield Council said charity Thames 21 was also involved in the project.

The authority said it hoped to attract more visitors, create more publicly accessible areas, restore rivers, cut flooding and improve habitats for wildlife.

“An important part of the project is to ensure that all of Enfield’s residents have a chance to get involved,” it added.

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