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Fitness coach Callum Foster blitzes London Marathon in aid of WHU Foundation | West Ham United F.C.



Fitness coach Callum Foster blitzes London Marathon in aid of WHU Foundation | West Ham United F.C.

The West Ham United Foundation works to harness the power of football to maximise life chances and inspire better futures for all. The charity’s delivery extends across east London, Essex and international sites, spanning all ages and abilities; aiming to respond to local need, unite our community and provide an environment for all to thrive.

Engaging with up to 50,000 people annually, it has been supporting good causes and social support programmes for over 30 years to make a real difference to individuals, groups and communities.

The goal for Callum now is to drive towards his fundraising target of £1,000, and continue spreading the word about the invaluable work carried out by such an important branch of the Football Club.

He added: “I’m constantly learning more and more about the Foundation, and Sunday was a good opportunity to meet staff members from the charity and gain an even greater insight into the great work they conduct.

“Because it was quite a quick turnaround in terms of signing up and then running, the word about me doing the marathon has started to go round a bit more since I’ve completed it.

“I’m trying to circulate the page as much as I can, and build up the funds that will go towards a really great cause.”

Click HERE to visit Callum’s fundraising page.

To find out more about the WHU Foundation, click HERE.

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