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London loves business as much as it loves an exit – London Business News |



London loves business as much as it loves an exit – London Business News |

In the bustling heart of London, where business thrives on ambition and innovation, the race to build and grow a company is just as intense as the desire to exit at the right time and for the right price. Enter The Grafter, a company improving the way UK entrepreneurs approach the sale of their businesses. With a unique focus on maximising business value in preparation for sale, The Grafter is not just filling a gap in the market—it is actively shaping the future of the UK economy.

Founded by Rachel Murphy, a seasoned entrepreneur with a proven track record, The Grafter stands out in a market saturated with startup accelerators but needs more exit-focused consultancy services. Rachel knows the entrepreneurial journey all too well, having successfully built and sold two companies, including Difrent, which was acquired for £13.3 million in 2020. This firsthand experience fuels her deep belief that founders need more than just a strong start—they need strategic, experience-backed support to navigate the complexities of selling a business.

What sets The Grafter apart is its 8-Figure Exit service, designed to help business founders maximise their company’s value before selling. This service is not just about preparing a business for sale but ensuring that the sale is successful and lucrative. It’s a crucial distinction in a market where many entrepreneurs might otherwise leave money on the table due to a lack of specialised guidance.

The success of The Grafter is promised and proven. Two of the first businesses to benefit from the 8-Figure Exit service, Vix Digital and Carruthers and Jackson, are proof of the program’s effectiveness. Rachel’s personal connection to these businesses adds a unique layer of authenticity and trust to the service. Caroline Carruthers, Rachel’s boss early in her career, and Tony Yates, her former CTO during her time in the NHS, successfully sold their businesses with The Grafter’s support. These success stories show the deep, personalised commitment that Rachel and her team bring to each client relationship.

The Grafter’s approach is refreshingly different from the typical consultancy models that flood the market. It’s not just about crunching numbers or presenting exit strategies; it’s about leveraging real-world experience across diverse industries to provide actionable, practical advice. The team’s expertise spans sectors like Consultancy, FMCG, Banking, Financial Services, Recruitment, Healthcare, Pharma and SAAS, ensuring each founder receives tailored guidance specific to their industry.

This level of specialised support is more than just a service—it’s a game-changer for the UK economy. By empowering business founders to achieve lucrative exits, The Grafter ensures that the capital city’s entrepreneurs don’t just build successful companies but also realise their full potential when it’s time to exit.

Looking ahead, Rachel Murphy envisions The Grafter becoming the go-to consultancy for UK businesses seeking to maximise their value and achieve successful sales. Her ambition is clear: to arm entrepreneurs with the skills and knowledge they need to drive their personal success and the broader success of the UK economy.

In a city where business is as much about the exit as the journey, The Grafter is leading the way, proving that with the proper guidance, a successful sale isn’t just a possibility—it’s an inevitable outcome.

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