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Man filmed wielding sword, 14-year-old killed in London rampage



Man filmed wielding sword, 14-year-old killed in London rampage

A man has been filmed on an alleged rampage with a sword in London, which resulted in the death of a 14-year-old boy.

The teenager was among five people stabbed, including two police officers, in the frenzy.

The attack took place in east London, near Hainault Tube Station. Videos from witnesses at the scene in Redbridge, near Essex, show a man prowling the streets while clutching a lengthy blade, and bystanders “shrieking” in horror.

Footage shows the suspect pacing back and forth outside a property before eerily ducking down in the garden.

London’s Metropolitan Police said they were called around 7am to reports a vehicle had been driven into a house in the Thurlow Gardens area.

People were reportedly stabbed at the property before the man went on to attack other members of the public and two police officers.

Five victims were rushed to hospital following the frenzy.

“It is with great sadness that I confirm that one of those injured in the incident, a 14-year-old boy, has died from their injuries,” Police Chief Superintendent Stuart Bell announced on Tuesday afternoon, local time.

“He was taken to hospital after being stabbed and sadly died a short while after.

“The child’s family are being supported firstly by my local officers and now with some specialist officers and everyone across the Met is keeping them in our thoughts at this unimaginably difficult time.”

Commander Bell described the incident this morning as “truly horrific”.

The underground was locked down throughout the morning as cops declared a critical incident and arrested a man, aged 36.

One local, who did not want to be named, told The Sun he was standing across the road from where the arrest happened.

The concerned dad recalled seeing five officers pin the man to the ground as he was shouting out.

He was then carried into the back of a van.

The witness said: “They tackled him to the ground. He had a samurai sword.”

Uni student Evelina Deliu, 20, told The Sun: “When I woke up, I looked out of my window. “The police were shouting ‘get down, get down’.

“They were screaming at him to stop resisting. It took six or seven people to get him down, and a lady (police officer) too.

“He was on the ground right afterwards. They were trying to tie him up and put him in handcuffs.

“He was moving his legs and trying to get out. They had to carry him to the car … because he was tied up he had to be carried.

“The police started picking things up and putting them in evidence bags. There wasn’t much emotion on his face.

“I think he was trying to run away but got caught here.”

Pics show police vans, ambulances and fire crews remain parked up at the locked and bolted underground entrance.

Two police helicopters were deployed and continue to circle ahead.

The condition of those attacked is not yet known.

Another local said he saw a man stood by his front door covered in blood as he made his way to the Tube.

Peter Rollison said: “I live in Laing Close and made my way to Hainault Station this morning.

“There were a lot of police cars around the corner from me. I stopped from a distance to look at all the commotion, then continued with my journey.

“There was a man in his home with his door open, his hand and arm covered in blood.

“I got to the station and TFL staff were talking and clearly shaken. They said a man was running around with a sword.

“As I left them I heard them mention someone had been stabbed in the neck.

“I made my way back home as I couldn’t leave my family. I had to ask permission to get to my home as it was part of a cornered off area.

“There were helicopters in the area for quite a while.”

Another witness said: “I heard shouting, I heard shrieking – I thought ‘who would be shrieking at this time in the morning?’

“The shrieking sounded like the police – you know when they are ordering someone to stop or to get on their knees or something – it was like that.

“It was like ‘stop where you are, put that down, put that down’ – that kind of thing.

“I looked out the back window because the noise was coming from back there, I saw a bloke dressed in yellow jumping over some fences … then he went down an alley like he was going back onto the street again.

“I saw a policeman and policewoman – normal coppers with the short-sleeved shirts – who chased after him and they were shouting for him to put it down.”

A third resident, who did not want to be named, said “You could hear the helicopter [over Laing Close].

“It’s been a nightmare with traffic … we couldn’t take our boy to nursery.”

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Ade Adelekan said: “This must have been a terrifying incident for those concerned.

“I know the wider community will be feeling shock and alarm.

“People will want to know what has happened and will we provide more information as soon as we can.

“We do not believe there is any ongoing threat to the wider community. We are not looking for more suspects.”

The force do not believe the incident is terror-related.

A spokesman for London Ambulance service said: “We were called at 6.54am this morning to an incident near Hainault Underground Station.

“We sent multiple resources to the scene. Working together with our emergency services partners, we treated five people and took all five to hospital.

“Our crews have now left the scene.”

MPs have condemned the incident this morning and said they are “devastated” by the news.

PM Rishi Sunak blasted the crimes and said this kind of “violence has no place on our streets”.

He added: “This is a shocking incident. My thoughts are with those affected and their families.

“I’d like to thank the emergency services for their ongoing response, and pay tribute to the extraordinary bravery shown by police on the scene. Such violence has no place on our streets.”

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said: “I am absolutely devastated by the news from Hainault this morning.

“I remain in constant contact with the Commissioner. A man has been arrested and the area secured.

“The police are not looking for anyone else in connection with this incident. There will be additional reassurance patrols in the area.

“The police officers and emergency services showed the best of our city – running towards danger to protect others and I thank them from the bottom of my heart.

“I would urge people not to speculate until the details of this incident are confirmed by the police and avoid posting footage on social media.

“If you have any information at all, please contact the police urgently on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800-555-111. There is no honour in staying silent.

“Those affected in the local area, including witnesses, can also call Victim Support on 0808 1689 111.”

MP Wes Streeting tweeted: “A critical incident has been declared in Hainault.

“There are station and road closures in place. The Police, Ambulance Service and Fire Brigade are responding.

“One male detained.

“I would urge people not to speculate until details are confirmed or post footage on social media.”

MP James Cleverly added: “I am being regularly updated about the incident at Hainault Station this morning.

“My thoughts are with those who have been affected & thank you to the emergency responders.

“I would urge people not to speculate or share footage online and provide relevant information to the police.”

TFL are urging people to re-plan their journey and asking them to avoid the area.

A spokesman for London’s transport network said: “Hainault Station is closed due to a police investigation in the area.”

Underground tubes travelling through Hainault are on the Central Line.

This article originally appeared in The Sun and was reproduced with permission

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