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Reclaim your work-life balance in 2025: Tips for entrepreneurs and leaders – London Business News |



Reclaim your work-life balance in 2025: Tips for entrepreneurs and leaders – London Business News |

Work-life balance. Myth, right? Something only people with bottomless bank accounts and no Wi-Fi worries get to enjoy? But as we enter 2025, it’s time to bust the myth and make it a reality. Whether you’re an entrepreneur with a thousand ideas or a leader with a thousand responsibilities, balance isn’t just a buzzword – it’s necessary.

Here’s how to regain your work-life balance, prevent burnout, and thrive personally and professionally.

1. Set boundaries like a boss

Ever heard the phrase “Work will expand to fill the time available”? It’s true. If your laptop’s open at 10 PM, guess what? Your inbox will happily entertain you. Set clear work hours and stick to them. Think of it as putting a curfew on your to-do list. The emails can wait—the latest Netflix series won’t.

2. Delegate, delegate, delegate

Leaders, this one’s for you. You don’t have to do everything. Delegating isn’t admitting defeat; it’s a strategy. Trust your team members with responsibilities. Besides, you can finally get to that yoga class you’ve been rescheduling when you delegate.

3. Schedule “Me Time” like a boss

When did you last block out an hour in your calendar for yourself? No meetings, no emails—just you, a cup of tea, and maybe a good book (or a cheeky scroll through social media). Treat self-care like an essential meeting. After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

If setting boundaries or finding time for yourself feels like navigating the Tube at rush hour, it’s time to bring in reinforcements. We spoke with Jake Smolarek, London’s leading life and business coach, on your behalf to get some juicy ideas on that matter. As a professional coach with over 27,000 coaching hours, he has the tips, tricks and strategies to help you regain your balance without losing your sense of humour. Jake has helped countless entrepreneurs and leaders find their sweet spot between ambition and relaxation—and he’ll help you, too.

Some suggestions from Smolarek including:

Do this

  1. Time Audit: Spend a week tracking how you use your time. Identify time-draining activities and find ways to streamline or delegate them.
  2. Create a “Not-to-Do” List: Instead of piling up tasks, write down what you will actively avoid. It’s freeing and keeps you focused on what matters.
  3. Set Non-Negotiables: Block out time for family, hobbies or exercise. Protect these blocks as you would an important client meeting.
  4. Celebrate Small Wins: Work-life balance isn’t about big gestures. Celebrate the little things, like finishing work on time or an hour of reading.
  5. Tech Detox Days: Schedule days when you go completely tech-free. This lets your brain reset and get back to the offline world.

Fun facts

Did you know that chronic stress can reduce productivity by 20%, according to a study in the Journal of Applied Psychology? Overworking isn’t just bad for your mental health but also for your effectiveness. When you take breaks and put rest first, your brain works better and makes better decisions.

Plus, neuroscientists have found that doing activities you love—gardening, painting or just walking in nature—boosts dopamine levels and improves mood and motivation. So that time away from your desk isn’t time wasted; it’s an investment in your well-being and performance.

And here’s a fun fact: working fewer hours with focus often produces better results than endless overtime. So it’s science-backed—rest isn’t laziness; it’s efficiency.

4. Say no

Not every opportunity is a good one. Saying yes to everything means you’ll spread yourself too thin. Practice saying no to tasks, invitations or projects that don’t align with your priorities. Saying no is a superpower—try it and see what I mean.

5. Automate your workflow

Technology is your best friend when used well. Let tech do the hard work, whether it’s scheduling software, project management tools or automated email responders. Automating repetitive tasks gives you time to focus on what really matters—like planning your next holiday.

6. Check in with yourself

Pause. Breathe. Reflect. Are you on track to your goals or stuck in the hamster wheel of busyness? Regular self-check-ins can help you correct and prioritise what matters most.

As Smolarek says, “Building a successful business doesn’t mean sacrificing your life—it means learning to manage it better.”

Navigating business growth challenges can be daunting, but experienced Business Coaches like Jake Smolarek offer valuable guidance grounded in real-world expertise. Drawing on years of experience, business coaches help entrepreneurs and leaders achieve sustainable success while maintaining balance and avoiding burnout. Whether you’re building a startup or scaling a thriving business, a business coach can provide tailored insights and strategies to support your professional and personal growth.


Work-life balance isn’t about being perfect; it’s about making choices. With the right mindset and support you can have the best of both worlds—a great career and a great personal life. And remember, balance doesn’t mean standing still; it means knowing when to lean into work and when to lean into life.

Now, go on—reclaim your balance and make 2025 your most fulfilling year yet!

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