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Russia’s–DPRK treaty may ‘become the first in a series of agreements amid US aggression’ – London Business News |



Russia’s–DPRK treaty may ‘become the first in a series of agreements amid US aggression’ – London Business News |

Strengthening Russia’s alliances with other countries, including the military, is the result of aggressive and short-sighted policies of the West, and there may be more such alliances.

Last Thursday, the Russian parliament ratified the Treaty on Strategic Partnership between Russia and the DPRK, which provides for military assistance, among other things.

Russian MPR Sergey Mironov told, “The West is persistently trying to present the strengthening of cooperation between Russia and the DPRK as an escalation of the existing conflicts in Ukraine and on the Korean peninsula.

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“But who was at the origin of these conflicts, and who has been fomenting them for many years? It is the United States and its allies, who have lost all right to be mediators in international affairs or guarantors of international security.”

Mirinov claims that the Western model of the “rules-based international order” is nothing more than a continuation of aggressive neo-colonial policies. Thus, the West forces all dissenters to create their own defensive alliances, which is what Russia is doing.

Mirinov added, “If this course does not change, then there will be more such unions. Moreover, they will not necessarily take the form of agreements or contracts.

“For example, Russia and China do not yet have a military alliance, but this does not prevent them from conducting major military exercises and actively developing military-technical cooperation.

“The potential of such cooperation between Russia and the countries of the Global South and East is huge. The West will not be able to contain it, as well as the inevitable transition to a multipolar world.”

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