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Specialist troops and commandos storm London tube stations during Ex Felix Assault



Specialist troops and commandos storm London tube stations during Ex Felix Assault

Royal Marines and British Army soldiers have taken to the streets of London to storm two underground stations, three tourist attractions and the Royal Albert Hall – but it was all part of a training operation called Exercise Felix Assault.

Members of K Company Royal Marines were deployed alongside specialists from 11 EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) and Search Regiment Royal Logistic Corps (RLC) to participate in training events around the South Bank.

The exercise was 11 Regiment’s annual validation exercise and was designed to hone their skills in high-pressure environments.

The marines and troops took part in a serial at the iconic Royal Albert Hall with a Fleet Contingent Troop assaulting force, and after a room-clearing was performed the EOD team was called in to neutralise two dummy IEDs.

The following days of the exercise included a round robin of serials at two tube stations, each providing a different problem to overcome.

Training included use of a disused underground station – Aldwych – which provided a complex challenge for troops as the setting enabled the enemy to pop up from all corners and circumnavigate the assaulting force using a network of tunnels that connected the train tracks.

They also used Charing Cross Station, an environment with more linear and open spaces.

According to the Globe & Laurel, the Royal Marines and RLC performed each task professionally and calmly, despite the challenges thrown at them.

Despite the complexities of the surroundings, it was noted that the marines’ methodical clearance methods, initiative and communication skills were excellent.

During the exercise, any communication breakdowns were fixed by using runners.

The final venues for the exercise included The London Dungeon and The Aquarium on the South Bank.

After two days of training together, the integration of the capabilities was well established between both forces.

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