The stage adaptation of Japanese anime film “Spirited Away” is being performed at a London theater. The show kicked off at the theater in the West...
Videos on TikTok appear to show that nine Ulez locations across the capital have been targeted in the hours since polls closed on Thursday and the...
Pro-Palestinian campaigners at UK universities are begging for food and blankets in order to continue. British students have requested “food for community dinners” as well as...
Labour insiders have warned that the London mayoral election is on a knife edge after the party was hit by a local elections backlash from Muslim...
FanDuel is reportedly preparing to switch its public listing to the U.S. markets. Shareholders in Flutter Entertainment, FanDuel’s Ireland-based owner, have voted to move the online betting group’s listing from...
UPDATE — May 1, 2024: In a statement released at 10 a.m. PT, London Drugs said its stores remain closed and there is no estimated time of reopening. EARLIER...
A week after a freight train rolled into central London pulling five open rail cars engulfed in flames, some residents and city councillors are asking for...
A leading charity has offered to rescue the injured Household Cavalry horses that escaped on Wednesday if they are unable to return to military duty. Vida...
An elderly doctor with cancer told to shield during the pandemic was fired after refusing a Kuwaiti government order to work in the office, a tribunal...
By Francine Wolfisz Published: 01:59 BST, 25 April 2024 | Updated: 02:10 BST, 25 April 2024 The skies over Finsbury Park in London turned an eerie...
Bobbie Pryor, a travel presenter for BBC Radio Two, said she contemplated throwing herself in the path of two of the runaway horses She recounted witnessing...
Police officers praised The police officers who came to the aid of horses injured in London this morning have been praised for “risking their own safety”...