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US troops will punch through NATO ‘land corridors’ in the event of war with Russia – London Business News |



US troops will punch through NATO ‘land corridors’ in the event of war with Russia – London Business News |

Europe are preparing for war with Russia and NATO is creating “land corridors” which will see US troops move across the continent without restrictions speedily in the even of war with Russia, the Telegraph reported.

Over the past few month’s warnings from the Kremlin that they will attack a NATO country has increased tenfold.

There is now an urgency for NATO to build up their troops on the eastern flank in Europe as the air defence capabilities are only at 5%, the Financial Times reported.

Over the weeks NATO have made their plans public they will improve their air defences in response to Vladimir Putin’s threats.

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Norway’s top general, Eirik Kristoffersen said, “At one point someone said it’ll take 10-years (before Russia reconstitutes its offensive capacity), but I think we’re back to less than 10 years because of the industrial base that is now running in Russia.”

During a meeting at Vilnius in 2023 NATO leaders agreed that they will prepare a plan to have “300,000 troops at high readiness.”

The Telegraph reported that US troops will land at one out of five ports in Norway, Turkey, Italy, the Netherlands and Greece and then travel through “land corridors” to enter into countries that border Ukraine.

Lt Gen Alexander Sollfrank, the chief of NATO’s Joint Support Enabling Command, told The Telegraph, said, “Everything is created in a way so the necessary resilience exists – robustness, reserves and also redundancies.”

NATO countries are preparing to be “war ready” as there is a growing threat of war between the alliance and Russia.

Last week the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said that Europe is now in the intermediate stage of preparing for war.

Orban told Kossuth Radio that Europe is being drawn into the war in Ukraine and that they are preparing for war with Russia.

Orban said there is continuous signs that NATO and the EU is readying for conflict and that “going to war does not happen in one step.”

He said, “There are three stages: discussion, preparation and destruction.

“Now we are finishing the discussion and we are in the preparation stage. We are inches away from destruction.”

He believes that over the past week there has been two developments that Europe is “approaching war.”

Orban said there “were talks between France and Ukraine about allowing French military instructors to go to Ukraine” to train Ukrainian troops.

The Hungarian Prime Minister said that should “the French go for this, it will be a new level” of EU and NATO involvement.

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